Gruesome Playground Injuries
Ticket Options:

For our production of Rajiv Joseph’s Gruesome Playground Injuries, there are three ticket options to choose from. Please select one of the links below to purchase your tickets. (Gruesome Playground Injuries runs approximately 90 minutes with no intermission in all formats.)

  1. Live and In-Person!
    Want to join us back at the theatre for GPI? We’d love to have you! Click above, and make sure to purchase tickets for the in-person show at Culture Lab LIC @ Plaxall Gallery, in Long Island City, Queens.

  2. Scheduled Stream!
    Not ready to leave your house yet? We understand! Watch the streamed version of our production at the same time as the in-person patrons, from the comfort and safety of your living room, bed, or bathtub. Heck, watch it in your car while hiding from your family! We don’t judge. Just one catch: you still have to watch at the date and time you choose.

  3. Video-On-Demand!
    Want to get a link to view the production any time over the two-week run? Well, it’s gonna cost ya! Actually…it’s only 10 bucks more than a streaming ticket. If that sounds right up your alley, click on through, and watch whenever you want!